Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Olympics Eye Candy: Who's Your Crush?

The 2012 London Olympics has arrived.  Yes, it's been 4 years since the Beijing Olympics!  I know, it seems like 2 years at most.  I hope the Olympics will inspire people to play a more active role in their lives and to get healthy.  The image of the sizzling bodies of the participants should motivate you to stay fit:)

For as long as I could remember, in every Olympics, I always had at least one major crush from among all that eye candy.  The majority of my past crushes had come from the women's gymnastics team.  Something about girls in leotard gracefully orienting themselves on the uneven bars, balance beam, and floor, is appealing.  From the moment they first reveal their wide-eyed smiles for the audience to when they strike their final pose, I'm in awe.  Their cute game faces coupled with their composure in such a high level of competition, adds to their attractiveness.

In the 2008 Olympics, my crush was Nastia Liukin.

Her golden hair and bright eyes complimented her slender body nicely.  She definitely had swagger and even a bit of attitude, but was such a joy to watch.  I could not tear my eyes off her!

For the 2012 Olympics, my crush thus far is Alexandra Reisman.

I had spotted her during the prelims; she seemed sweet and had great form:)

Do you have an Olympics crush?  Who is it and what attracts you to him/her?

As a side note, I'm completely straight, but if I were to go the other way I'd definitely have my eyes on the men gymnasts--and the fluid divers--from China.  Gorgeous skin, silky and toned bodies, ever-so graceful movements.  What more could a girl ask for, right?:)